Do Twitter followers really matter?

Do Twitter followers really matter when trying to get published? When you are looking to find an agent or publisher, how concerned should you be with social media? Do Twitter followers really matter? Many publishing professionals will tell you that all that matters is...

To Square or Not to Square

No, I don’t mean Squarespace. I don’t mean Foursquare. Or any other new thing with “square” in the title. I am thinking of a beautiful, square version of Hilary Sideris’s brilliant forthcoming book of poems, THE INCLINATION TO MAKE WAVES,...

New Poetry Book by Hilary Sideris Coming Soon

  Our first full-length poetry book, THE INCLINATION TO MAKE WAVES by Hilary Sideris, is in development now. The book’s title, The Inclination to Make Waves, comes from a line in Hilary Sideris’s poem “Flat,” in which nothing makes waves. Instead, it’s all...