There is a Greeting as Well as a Parting

by Melinda Wolf

978-1937806101, US $9.00

“These poems boldly examine personal losses, drawing us into scenes that arouse empathy and longing for retrieval. The poet’s vigilant search for clues that will shed light on the past and bring clarity to the present is a search her readers will share.

Yet, in the midst of the precarious world she artfully creates, a steady, enduring love breaks through–“love/ that could free us from reading the world/so closely.” In this collection, Melinda Wolf conveys this quest for love in times of darkness in startling lines you will want to read again and again.”

Miriam Pederson

Melinda Wolf grew up in Michigan. Her poetry has appeared in a variety of journals including The American Literary Review, The New York Quarterly, Kalliope: A Journal of Women’s Art, The Phi Kappa Phi Forum, The Comstock Review, The Anthology of Magazine Verse and Yearbook of American Poetry and others. She was the recipient of an Individual Artist Award from the Michigan Council for the Arts. She currently is a social worker, teacher, and writer living in California.